Online earning in India, earn 100$ per day without any investment
Online earning in India, earn 100$ per day without any investment
Online earning in India is a very big question in those minds who have thinking to earn with the internet or thinking to do a home-based job.
India is a very big country where 70% of the population is using the internet. In India, approx 85 crore people are using the internet.
In 2017 when Jio comes in the platform of telecommunication everything change in this sector, India has got developed in digital form.
Jio has gifted 6-month internet free for his users. This strategy takes a very big conversion of airtel and Vodafone users to Jio.
In 2016-17 when the internet comes to every person and the big thing for free, then every person has searched for online earning and online jobs.
In 2018 a big percent of the Indian population has done much work on the Internet to get earning, but many of them have got faded by the scam.
In this new topic, we talk about the latest earning ways and get instant cash without any investment. When you thinking to get earning in one day we have a related post to you.
One day earning work is not give you a lot of money but you can earn $5 per day. So think about those ideas who give you $100-$3000 in 2-3 months.
I am doing online work named blogging for 8 years and in the present time we earning $10,000 per month you can also do it with our help.
S.No. | Jobs | Part-time | full-time |
1 | Affiliate marketing | yes | yes |
2 | blogging | yes | yes |
3 | Freelancing | Yes | yes |
4 | Captcha fill | yes | no |
5 | online survey | yes | no |
6 | Youtube | yes | yes |
7 | Trading | yes | no |
8 | Online tutor | yes | yes |
9 | Social media | yes | yes |
10 | Virtual assistant | no | yes |
11 | Apps | yes | no |
When you can get any problem doing these works just sent us 1 email we got total help for you. Gmail-
So let talk about 11 ways to online earning in India.
1-Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a very big opportunity where you can earn a very big amount of money in a short time and without any investment.
Affiliate marketing means where you can sell any company products or services by your reference or link.
When you sell any product of a company whose product you promoting they give you commission for that.
Relating post- All about affiliate marketing
In many companies you can get a 50% commission on every product you sell. It is the easiest way where you just copy-paste product details and your link to any site and then just wait for a sale.
When anyone buys a product by your link you can earn a huge amount. Then your mind asks a question where we copy-paste product link to earn?
Answer- there are many social media and article writing sites where you can copy-paste your product link and details. These sites automatically promote your post to many people so you can get traffic to sell your product.
You need to daily post new articles about your products on social media and other article writing sites.
It is 100% sure that you get your sales and earnings.
5 best affiliate programs
1. Amazon
2. Clickbank
3. Cj affiliate
4. Partnerstack
5. Bluehost
These are the few sites where you join affiliate programs.
2- Blogger or blogging
Blogging means you write about some product, thing, place, etc, and index it to google results.
Where our blog is shown in google search results? How we can start and index blog?
Related and Important post-Start a blog.
You can start blogging with many websites, these websites provides you a place to write and post your article to index in google search result.
When you write your article with these websites google automatically indexes your site in the search result, but you need to write content with yourself not to do any copy-paste work.
Blogging has a very big field on online earning ways because when you have done work for 2-3 months regularly you can start your earning of 100$ and with time your earning goes up.
Where we got the earning?
You can earn money by Google Adsense(software by google) who show ads in your site, how much traffic comes to your site decides your earning.
Blogging is free to start and no investment way to earn money online.
Some of the blogging software.
2. Wordpress
3. Wix
4. Weebly
5. Tumblr
3- Freelancing or freelancer
Freelancing means you work for any company or individual person in your free time, when you think you are free you can do work.
Freelancing has a very big opportunity for those who have a skill in any work. But when you do not have any skills you also earn money.
Freelancing is starting in 1990 when a very small % of the world has used the internet, so you think freelancing is a very genuine and old way of earning.
Many sites have been on the internet that provide you the opportunity to get a freelancer on these sites.
You only need to create an account and full fill your skills so when any person searches for your skill freelancer you also show in the list.
When anyone gives you work with those sites you get an email with total details of work.
You need to complete the work under there deadline and submit it to client email. When the client has satisfied with your work he pays you the money and gives you a rating for your work.
When you got a high rating then these sites take you as a pro freelancer and you get extra money for work.
So when you have no skills you can get data entry and copy paste work on these sites.
Relating post: Earn money with freelancing
So when you think for do freelancing there are some freelancing sites for you.
1. Upwork
2. Fiverr
4. Toptal
5. Guru
4- Captcha felling
You can also done captcha felling work, this is the simplest work everyone can do. In captcha filling you only type some number or words seeing in the image.
You can easily earn $50 per day for just typing. When you think to get big money with captcha felling you need for a good typing speed.
On the internet you have seen many of captcha felling jobs who provide you work, but many of those jobs have fake and just done spam with you.
We provide you genuine sites to done captcha felling jobs, but when you thinking to do it full time. You can not be done this, because it is a boring job.
So when you think for earn money in free time here is the captcha filling sites.
1. kolotibablo
2. mega typers
3. captcha typers
4. pro typers
5. captcha2cash
5- online surveys-
New idea for earn easy money is filling online surveys, many of companies are provide surveys for their product need.
Companies give projects to fill surveys to many websites, then those sites do surveys with many people and give money for those who do surveys.
On many websites you get many surveys daily, because hundreds of companies are launch products daily so you can earn money daily by filling simple surveys.
You can also do surveys by your smartphone, desktop, and laptop. When you fill one survey you can earn $1-$4.
It is free to signup and get your survey to earn.
So when you think of done surveys these are the websites.
1. Swagbucks
3. paid for surveys
6- Trading or share marketing
In 2020 trading is going very popular because in the market there are very trading apps and sites have been launched like Bonomo who give you cash benefit in just a second.
Trading has like a game where you guess up and down for a graph. When your prediction has gone write you can earn double money you bit in the trade.
In trading you need some money to start but when you start for once you can earn thousands of dollars.
Share market is in some cases same as trading, in the share market you invest some money on a company whose share was going up and generating a market value.
When the company where you invest was gone up in share you can withdraw your money with a profit.
Some trading apps where you can trade money and earn millions of benefits.
1. Binomo
2. Octa trading
You can invest in share market with these sites.
1. Mutual funds
2. Paytm
3. Expert opinion
And many other sites on internet.
7- Earn with smartphone apps
When you think for earn money with smartphone so you are in write paragraph. There are many numbers of apps available who insure you to give money but many of those have just do spam with you.
Apps give you earning for many works like watching youtube videos, ads, downloading some documents, and other many simple tasks.
Many of apps give you the opportunity to earn for playing games. You only need to download apps with play store and just signup with your Google account.
So let provide you some apps.
1. Shopkick
2. Ibotta
3. Taskbucks
4. Swagbucks
5. App trailers
6. Slide
Related post: online earning with apps, 22 apps to earn100 $ per day.
8- Youtube
Youtube is the biggest platform where you get the knowledge by watching videos and you can also upload videos.
Youtube is the second biggest search engine in the world. You can also earn with youtube the same as to earn with blogging.
In blogging you write about some topic but on youtube you upload a video on some topic. The format of earning is the same on both sides.
In youtube you show the ad in mid of your video, for this you get money by the publisher.
In 2020 about 18B+ people are using youtube so you think what can you do with that.
When you made a video on youtube and video views are gone to 1 million+ you get popular in your country. Then you got many sponsorships by brands where you can earn millions of dollars.
Related post- Earn with youtube
For starting you didn’t need any special thing, you can start with a smartphone. When your videos get views you can develop your functions with that.
Start today, when you start today you can get near to your success fast.
9- earn with social media
Social media is a very big platform where you share your feeling, location, knowledge, and many other things with billions of people.
In 2020 social media has grown as a very big platform for earning money. When you have thousands of followers, page, or group where thousands of people have follow then you can earn money easily.
Facebook has also launched its software where you can promote ads with Facebook and other social media.
When you promote some ads by your post, page, and group, Facebook give you commission of every view.
You can also do affiliate marketing with your social media accounts where you just post your affiliate link with some details of the product. Whenever some person like your product he always buy.
In social media billions of people are active all day and just scroll the posts. You have the chance to grow a community with your page or group and get earning with Facebook ads.
Many of peoples are earning thousands of dollars with this.
10- Online tutor
Also online tutor word is going very popular in 2019-20 why? Because in the time many coaching centers and sites are provided courses with online videos.
On online videos you can just go to the site pay for monthly and start your coaching in any field.
Everyday site has sent you videos and some assignment to do, where you can do your work with home.
In 2018 many sides have gone popular for online learning like a big example bijous who give you online coaching in every field.
In the present time thousands of teacher are working with bijous and bijous are giving coaching to millions of students.
When you have a good knowledge of any subject you can apply for an online tutor where you just need to pass a graduate degree.
When they passed your application you only did one thing that they give you the topic daily and your work is to make videos on that.
Then just sent videos on their email and they post it to student. You can earn $500-$1000 per month for just doing 1-hour teaching.
You can do online tutor work part-time because you only need 1 hour not more than that.
11- Virtual assistant
When you think about a job where you just use Facebook, Instagram and other social media sides in your job it is yours.
Virtual assistant is a job where you just handle the social media account, sites, and other things of clients.
You only need to see who is posting about you, reply to comments, reply to messages, and other simple works.
You can also maintain your client site with many things. It is a great job from home. You can earn $1000-$1500 per month.
You can get a virtual assistant job in many freelancer sites.
Related: get a freelancer
In this article we discussed about 11 ways to earning online in India. You can easily earn with these ideas but some works do not give you earning in one day you need to do hard work for 1-2 months then you can earn money. These jobs take time but also give high payment for you and also you can do those for a lifetime.
India is a very big country where millions of people live and search for jobs you have the opportunity to get a job in an easy way. When you start a work today it give you more benefit in future. In the future time, 90% of people do online work so when you get a chance to get established your work at this time why you not taking action.
Choose one work and give your full hard work to that. It bring your life very happy.
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