Top online earning jobs without any investment, Earn $100 per day
Top online earning jobs without any investment, Earn $100 per day
Did you ever think of earning money online? No but searching today for the best option, so you are in the right place.
When you are a student, employee in any company or not working yet, you are near to get a job online without any investment.
We are taking you on a tour for three different category person online job opportunities, you choose the right option along your skill or time.
We think many people who are reading this blog are doing jobs and are searching for part time work, we also have results for you.
I started this blog in 2010 but for some reason I quit in 2013. In 2015 again we started this and where I am now.
For you we provide different category jobs.
No need for any qualification, skill.
All jobs are genuine, tested and best for home based jobs.
Online earning jobs
These types of jobs are for all category people like who are searching for part time, full time or life long. You can do it for free.
Many people are earning 1000$ per day from these jobs. Get some knowledge about all.
In the first number we have blogging for you because it is the best potential of earning. Many bloggers are earning $50,000 per month. This is the potential of blogging.
When you don’t know about blogging it’s easy. You only do 3-4 things to create and start a blog.
1-Create a blog with blogger or with other sites for free.
2-Publish blog.
3-Write content every week.
4-Get earning for generating traffic.
To start blogging you didn’t need any qualification or skills. You can easily establish a blog in any topic you know.
There are many opportunities in blogging where you grab it, you can create a blog about your local area.
Only Write some content about your area and other things, you can write blog also in hindi.
Where did we get earnings? It is a popular question for everyone, you can earn money by showing ads and promoting products on your blog.
Google adsense is the best way where you get earned for showing ads. When anyone comes to your blog and clicks on the ad you got earned for that.
You can easily do blogging for full time or part time is dependent on you. It is eligible for done in both ways, but the difference is earned.
It is always free for blogging, so start today.
2- Affiliate Marketing-
When you are a new person searching to earn money online, you do not hear affiliate marketing. But when you ever search to earn money online, you know or once heard about affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is the platform where you promote products of any company or person, and when anyone sells a product from your site you get commission for that.
Many people are earning a lot of money from affiliate marketing. It is easy to do affiliate marketing, because you only need to grow some traffic or share products with other people.
You can use many platforms for doing affiliate marketing, the best affiliate marketing platform is amazon.
Amazon is a very big company who gives commission to you for selling their product. There are other many sites like clickbank, cj affiliate, Partnerstack etc who give you a chance to earn with affiliate marketing.
You can share your affiliate product on every platform, the most popular platform is blogging.
Blogging has generated traffic and you can monetize your site with affiliate links, who give you traffic and sales.
Other platform where you share your link is social media like facebook, the biggest social media.
You can do affiliate marketing for full time or part time also there is no need for any qualification or skill.
Affiliate marketing gives you many in real time, you can easily earn money in one day of starting.
Affiliate marketing has a very big potential of earning, get it today and start your earning.
3-Easy task jobs-
You ever think that you can earn money for watching youtube videos and ads or earn with reading news and articles. It’s possible!
There are some sites who give you a chance to earn money for doing such things. Swegbucks is the most popular in these jobs.
You can do these work on free time but when you think for full time it is not a good idea.
You can also do blogging or affiliate marketing and in free time do these tasks. It gives more earning for you.
4-Online jobs from google-
Google is one of the biggest companies in the world. You can get an online job from them.
There are 3 jobs always available in google where you can apply and do jobs online. First you can get earning with google ads, second youtube the most popular video platform and last but not least is smartphones.
Google has given many apps in time to get earning from apps.
5- freelancing jobs
Freelancing is the most popular and virtual online job for anyone. When you work for any company or person where you do work when you have time, with freelancing it is your choice how you do the work and what you do.
When you have a skill like content writing, web building or may others, then you can done work with many freelancing site.
It is free on every freelancing sites like fiverr, upwork, freelancer etc to get work on any skill. When you don’t have any skill done copy paste work .
There is no need for any qualification or certificate, just go to freelancing sites and sign up for freelancer.
You can easily earn $100 per day or more depend on your work time. When you have employee in any company done this for free time and who want full time also available in these sites.
6- Online survey jobs-
In your life you heard about surveys, but what are online surveys? How do we get a job in that? Online surveys are like simple surveys where you answer some question.
Online surveys are done by big companies, when they launch any product they need to know about the public how he thinks about that so he does surveys.
Many companies give contracts of this survey to sites and sites are done surveys.
You can get paid by these sites when you do any survey. You can do many surveys in one day and get more earnings.
This job is for part time, you do not do this for full time because there are many times you do not get any surveys.
No need for any qualification or skills for this.
7-Online tutor jobs
Online tutor jobs are getting very popular in 2021, you can do online tutor where you give knowledge about your skills.
There are many sites who can join online tutors for teaching students. You can get paid for per hour, easily get $30 for an hour.
You do work with your skills and growing it is best.
When you are teaching somewhere or working for any company, you can easily do this work for part time. Because they need a video from you of teaching a lesson for students, you can do it in your free time.
They are in demand for some qualification, but when you have any skill you do not need any qualification.
8-Online writing jobs-
In daily life you write many messages in your messenger, but you think writing gets you earning.
You can easily get earning with writing articles and other writing work. There are many sites who get big updates there daily but they do not have that time. They did this work from a content writer, you can get this job.
There are many websites who get you earning for writing content like fiverr, upwork, freelancer etc.
You can easily earn $5-$20 for every article you write, depending on the length of content.
9-online Data entry work-
I am sure you one time in your life heard about data entry jobs, because there are many companies who provide data entry jobs but most are fake and not give you earning.
You can do online data entry jobs in many sites who are genuine and give you earning.
You can easily get $1000 Per month from data entry and not need for any qualification.
There are some sites like capatcha filling sites, fiverr, upwork etc.
10-Facebook jobs
Facebook is the biggest social media platform, where many people come and spend their time.
Billions of people are earning with facebook. Facebook is a very big platform where you can earn easily.
You can get paid for your profile, pages, likes, groups and many more things. You can use facebook marketplace, facebook business for earning money.
You can do this for part time or also in free time. Many people are earning $50,000 from Facebook per month.
5 online amazon jobs for students
Amazon is not only an online shopping website, you can easily earn with amazon. Amazon gives many opportunities to get earn with their site.
In this paragraph we talk about the 5 best amazon jobs for students.
1-Amazon affiliate program
Amazon affiliate program is the biggest affiliate program in the world, where you can get easy money for selling products of amazon.
When you sign up for amazon affiliate, amazon give you option to choose product to affiliate. You can easily get link of product you choose and post it in any site or any social media.
When anyone buys from your link you get commission for that. Try it today.
2-Seller on amazon-
You can sell products on amazon. You can easily sell products in your area easily.
You can also sell products from wholesale and sell them on amazon for a high rate, it is easy to sell anything.
3-Writing books for kindle
Amazon has launched amazon kindle for those who write books and buy those online. You also write books and them in amazon kindle.
Amazon kindle has sold millions of books daily all around the world, your book also sells.
4-Get amazon munk
You can join amazon munk on amazon. Amazon has a work of home delivery called amazon munk.
You can do home delivery work in your local area and get very good money.
5- Sell content
You can sell your online content on amazon, where you can done cooking recipe or anything related to home works.
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